Songs of Creation and Dream Travel

I noticed a dream traveler standing outside my window inviting me to join him in the dream. I did not hesitate, I was not afraid. I knew intuitively this invite was safe and exactly where I needed to be. I laid down immediately and the second my eyes closed, I was dreaming.

Song Lines

Discovering the Dreamtime is a path to encounter ancient dream ways of creation. The Dreamtime is a place beyond time, where the physical world gets dreamed into being. A collective dream in collaboration with the ancient being of the Earth and creation herself. It is a place one may access in dreams if you know the right song, or dance the right dance, know the right story or dream the right dream. The aborigine people of Australia, are among those most ancient of first peoples on the Earth. They have dreaming ceremonies held in secret, as they must protect their world and access to the Dreamtime.

“They wrapped the whole world in a web of song; and at last, when the Earth was sung, they felt tired. Again in their limbs they felt the frozen immobility of Ages. Some sank into the ground where they stood. Some crawled into caves. Some crept away to their ‘Eternal Homes’, to the ancestral waterholes that bore them. All of them went ‘back in’.”

The Songlines, by Bruce Chadwick

My invitation to the Dreamtime came one night as I was preparing for bed. My bedroom lights were off. I was sitting up in bed about to lay down. Suddenly, I saw a stream of Purple Lightning across the dark. I noticed a dream traveler standing outside my window inviting me to join him in the dream. I did not hesitate, I was not afraid. I knew intuitively this invite was safe and exactly where I needed to be. I laid down immediately and the second my eyes closed, I was dreaming.

The dream traveler had taken me to another location, in the Australian Outback. There were big red boulders around the small group gathered around a small fire. I stood among them wondering why I had been brought here. The dream traveler said, “ You have been brought here as Mother, and witness for your daughter. She is receiving a spiritual naming ceremony.”

Sacred Fire

My daughter at the time was 4 years old. She was gifted several handmade tokens that hold the energy of her gifts, and then given her spiritual name. I was not privy to her spiritual name, as that must be held in secret, especially because there are those, who if known, would try to use it against her.

Then after it was complete, I found myself back in my bed. It somehow made sense to me that my daughter would have such an auspicious naming ceremony. She after all, had come to me in a dream before I was pregnant with her. She asked permission to be born through me, and then told me her name. She also had an unusual entry into the world when she was born. She was turned breech in the womb as her due date approached. I wanted a natural birth and was trying all kinds of tricks and remedies to get her to turn, to no avail. When nothing else worked, I finally sought answers in my dreams.

I set a dream intention for my daughter to turn, and immediately upon entering a liminal dream state, I see an ancient Asian Crone Healer standing bedside. She puts her hands on my womb and each time she places them, they light up. She creates a path of light for my daughter to come into the world. I feel her turn in my womb. The Crone turns to speak before leaving, she says, “One more thing you should know. Your daughter is a Faery Queen.” The Crone departed, as I tried to ask her, “Does that come with a Manuel?” No response.

Hands of Light

When I was about 6 months pregnant with my daughter I went with my sister to see a cultural performance of Aboriginal Dancers at UT Austin. They had never made public before their Dreamtime ceremonies held in secret. They played their instruments, sang their sacred songs and danced their dances and told their stories. My daughter all the while dreaming in my womb, of the world she would soon join when she became Earthside.

I feel confident she dreamed her way along those songlines in the womb, and met one of those dream travelers who would later bestow her spiritual name when she was old enough. That same dream traveler who knew how to find me riding along a song line of purple lightning for me to ride along when I would accompany him into the Dreamtime for my daughter’s spiritual naming ceremony.

Green Man and the Vernal Equinox

March 19th, 2024 is the Vernal Equinox in Aries, when the astrological wheel takes a new turn. Moving towards the Full Moon in Virgo on March 24th, we see that our seeds of intentions planted in a Pisces new moon, are coming to the surface.

A beautiful dream seed came through for me around the New Moon, after I made plans to travel to the Netherlands this Summer, around the time of the Summer Solstice, where I will be teaching a workshop on Dreaming an Ancient Future. A call for Dream related artwork is still open until April 15th.

It is significant to me that the Green Man, has showed up in dreaming as I make plans to attend the conference. The first time Green Man appeared to me was in 2008, as I was scheduled to attend the IASD conference in Montreal, Canada and was Chairing a panel on Dreaming Across Borders where I presented on “The Call of Quetzalcoatl and Dancing with the Moon”.

I had a big dream about preparing the way for my Father’s death, and was shown how to make sacred offerings to the ancestors. I traveled to the Pyramid of the Sun, the temple of Quetzalcoatl, and the Jaguar Palace at Teotihuacan, Mexico to make prayers and sacred offerings on behalf of my father, who was dying of Cancer. During the trip. I was invited by a Toltec Medicine Man and Keeper of the staff of Quetzalcoatl, to join in the traditional annual Aztec Moon dance in Mexico City.

The Green Man – 2008

In my dream, the Green Man appeared as a Man in the shape of a tree, this primordial male wildness, is something I had never before encountered, and I was afraid. I was in the pool when I saw him, and I pretended to be moonlight shining on the water so that he would not notice me. He walked right over to me and said, I am your teacher. He offered me his hand to help me out of the water.

A year later, as I prepared to present a workshop on “Dream Wayfinding” at the 2009 IASD conference in Chicago, Illinois called Listening to the Earth Dreaming. I had another dream with the Green Man picking up where I had left off.

The Green Man and the Moon Goddess – 2009

The Green Man offers me his hand and pulls me out of the water. I emerge naked covered in silvery Moonlight. I am a Moon Goddess. He offers me his sturdy back, and I climb on, and together we fly to the Moon. I am reminded of Witches on Broomsticks.

Now I am excited to get my plans in order to travel to the Netherlands this Summer to present a workshop on “Dreaming an Ancient Future” at the International Association for the Study of Dreams annual conference at the Rulduc Abbey in Kerkrade.

I took a nap after arranging my flights, and I had this lucid dream.

Green Man Ancestor 2024
I am in the twilight zone between waking and sleeping where one can easily slip into a lucid dream. I see a man with grey bushy hair, who is talking to me and I notice he takes two red candles and places them side by side on a wall shelf, and lights them both. I walk further into the space where I see an antique rug and furniture. I am standing near a green couch and I notice an ancestral spirit is sittting on the end of the couch next to me. I can see him out of my peripheral vision and realize his rather large size and tremendous presence. I can only see his feet and legs because he is so large, I also realize he is wearing green pants and shoes. I stand still to see what I can learn. I can hear a man’s voice but I am not sure if it is the man who performed the candle ritual, or this giant green man ancestor I am hearing. I am lucid in the dream, able to stay with the dream easily, and feel that I have entered a conscious dream in another time and place, that could be the Rulduc Abbey in the Netherlands where I will be staying, and is said to be haunted. It seems the ancestors are already opening the way for my arrival this Summer. My workshop, “Dreaming an Ancient Future” is on Tuesday, June 11th from 2:00 – 3:30, so mark your program.

Anyone interested in attending the IASD annual conference taking place this year in the Netherlands, can find out more information here.

Now, here I am yet again, dreaming of the Green Man, as I prepare to present at another dream conference on Dreaming an Ancient Future. This feels like an important time for the Green Man to appear yet again, as my workshop will dream into embodied ancestral wisdom, to help us remember how to collaborate with our ancestors and more than human relatives like the Green Man.

The Earth and the Moon also ancestors collaborating to dream us into being, and we each have a unique role to play. Our ancestors did their part in unfolding this dream through their own Earth Journey, in tuned with the ancient Wisdom of the Moon.

Like the Monarch Butterfly whose migration sometimes takes 3 generations to complete, our ancestral Legacy is embodied in our DNA, and carried forth in ancestral dreams that are multigenerational. They are here to assist us in Dreaming an Ancient Future.

Sacred Grove near Rolduc, in the Valley of the Vrouwezijp.

Kairos and Metanoia

Girolamo Da Carpi, Opportunity and Remorse, 1541 

In the Ancient Greek world, the God Kairos is known as the opportune moment, and can be evoked when making a decision or taking impeccable action. Kairos also encompasses the scope of the times in which we live, and can involve the opportune moment for collective change when Metanoia is invited into the picture.

The God of Opportunity is known to consort with Metanoia, a Goddess of missed opportunity, or regret. She is a shadowy figure who may come in the form of Maiden or Hag, and her presence causes reflection on the past, and transformation towards a change of heart for the future. Metanoia means beyond mind, she is a liminal goddess who brings us in touch with inner worlds of self reflection and mind expansion.

Dreams give us entry into liminal spaces on the cusp of consciousness. A place between waking and sleeping, the twilight between day and night, or waking moments on the horizon of what slips away, and what is dawning. These in between moments are when we may enter lucidity, or recall dreams below the threshold of consciousness.

Our dream journal is a place where we can experience both Kairos and Metanoia, through mind expansion of time arc potentials. We may encounter the wheel of life with its opportunities or misfortunes along our path, and dreams can assist us in choosing to meet the moments of our life with clearer discernment. Metanoia can also hold regrets on what we may see as not our best moment. Reflections from our past, when we were unable to act with honor, or courage of heart. Dreams can help us reframe our past, so that we are able to reorient in alignment with future opportunities and personal growth.

In collaborative dreaming, we can embrace the past, and partner with potential futures. Dreams may inspire connection and creation in deeply meaningful ways. You may discover paths of awakening taking you into the heart of healing, and learn to act from a place of more integrity by cutting away what clouds your authenticity and discernment. 

A collaboration with transpersonal dreaming and archetypal meaning, where the personal intersects with synchronicity, and psychic glimpses are interwoven within a mystical web of dreams. Here we may enter mutual dreams with each other inside a web of collective unconscious. A holistic and multidimensional awareness as part of a community of beings with our more than human relatives.

When we enter dreams each night, we can approach it in a sacred way, and incubate an intention for entering a threshold of what is slipping away and what is coming to pass. A crossroads where we may come into contact with cosmic design such as the event horizon of a black hole, or become a blazing comet. We may descend into the deepest darkest depths at the bottom of the ocean, or enter the creative matrix of galaxies being born. We can align with the sentient nature of Earth, Sun, Moon or Stars.

We may dream travel through time and space to commune with sacred sites and ancient ancestors, or become an ancestor to future generations. In dreams, we may discover guardians in the form of angelic beings, spiritual guides and teachers, fairy folk, animal spirits, elemental beings, spirits of the land, muses of genius, or Gods and Goddesses. What we are calling forth into our lives, is also seeking us. A willing collaboration in dreaming with deeper realities beyond what is known, and entering thresholds of greater understanding. Dreaming is where we can meet the moments of our lives in collaboration with Kairos and Metanoia.

Meeting Death and Reclaiming Timelines

The threads of our lives are held by a web that connects us all, woven through dreams, stories, soul memory, breath, and bone. Held in a place we have never been, yet feel a sense of belonging, or encountered in Deja vu. Heard in tacit wisdom that comes through the mouth from a deeper place within us, yet unknown to us until spoken aloud. Glimpsed in the heart when we meet a soul friend, or lover, and have infinite love and knowing of the soul before us. Felt in the gut of intuition, and telepathic flashes of information. We know more than we know. Our Dream double roams multidimensional reality, until being tucked back into the physical body upon waking. However, stories of the Dream Double are also said to appear as a precursor to one’s death.

In waking reality, most have agreed to let the intellect and personality take over for a ride on this Karmic wheel of life, where many have constructed realities without benefit of our dreams or soul wisdom. Hierarchy is the popular Spiritual design in this worldview based on power and control. A design that is crumbling and Empires are dissolving. Consensual waking reality is based on the power of the rational intellect, at the expense of the creative compassionate wisdom of the Soul as found in dreams.

We may have more than one soul, and exist in many worlds. Dreams come and go, as does the soul, when we enter the realm of sleep every night. We collaborate with our parallel selves who exist on other timelines unfolding from other choices made at different crossroads in life. When these timelines are near in dreaming, we can merge with our lived experiences to benefit from lessons learned and life mastery.

The Night King 2020

I am driving in my old neighborhood and stop to get gas on my way home. I arrive at my home, and walk into the sunroom overlooking the creekside back yard. I see a mysterious blue light moving from the creek up the path towards my house. The presence draws near enough to see before me, is the Night King (as seen in the Game of Thrones on HBO). I ask, “Who are you and why are you here?” He responds, “I am your death.” I am shocked, and look around searching for answers. I see another version of myself standing next to me. She is a mother and career woman who is pragmatic, healthy, and successful. She devotes all of her energy to her family and career, but she has little knowledge of her soul, or dreams, or mysteries, or magic. She has physical, financial, and mental energy to spare. I on the other hand have followed the path of soul, dreams, mysticism, but my financial fortune, health and mental energies, have been swallowed up in a world that does not value these realities. My parallel self and I make an exchange of energies to increase the supply of life vibrancy and soul purpose. The Night King is satisfied by this exchange of energy that has extended the life contract for us both.

This dream came in 2020 during the pandemic, when I was struggling physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally. Afterwards, I felt my physical, mental, and emotional resources restored. I was recruited to work for a community college in South Texas in the Rio Grande Valley, and found a new career as a grant writer that has secured my financial future. I had sold my home in 2014, where I raised my children, and this dream visit to my prior home helped to bring closure and reoriented me to the importance of self care and strengthening my life. I had stepped onto a new timeline.

The pandemic was a time when many were faced with life or death challenges, and lost loved ones. Many lost jobs and businesses, and had to remake themselves and their livelihoods. In 2021, the housing crisis began, and prices continue to rise as the lack of affordable housing declines. Destiny may call for us to dream into new time lines, and recover resources from parallel selves as we navigate these times of great change. We face big threats of climate disasters, gun massacres, genocide, war, and authoritarian sociopolitical movements based on hatred and global power. Collaborative Dreaming includes meeting our own death, and reclaiming our destiny, in connection with our embodied multidimensional wisdom.

Embodied Dreaming

Artist: Orphné Achéron
Title: Forgotten Lands

Psychic Colonization 12/1/23

“In my dream, I was discussing with a group of people, how we have been colonized to ignore our psychic impulses, and intuitive connections which have been cultivated over generations.”

The modern world centers the rational mind and materialism, and has no use for dreams, psychic awareness, intuition, or the imagination, and deems them “not real” or meaningless.

Previously, our ancestors however, knew the importance of dreams as sources of psychic information to be able to prepare for what is coming, and thrive. They understood the importance of sharing dreams as part of their holistic view of life, and they accepted visitations of departed loved ones in dreams as a way of staying connected, and gaining guidance from a broader view.

This wisdom is rooted in the body, and the lived experience of generations before us has been passed on through epigenetics. We each hold the capacity to feel messages coming through the intuition, and our dreams hold our desire to connect, and share in a deeply meaningful way.

Our creative mind and our capacity to imagine a future, and our connection to the past and the Wisdom of the Ancestors, are the remedy for the dystopian world that surrounds us daily.

Taken together, these ancestral gifts of intuition, imagination, dreaming, and psychic awareness, bring us in concert with our ability to collaborate in creating an ancient future.

Valley Reed all rights reserved @2023

Butterfly DNA

Butterfly DNA 🦋 12/23/23

Art by Leticia Banegas Gomez

I was splicing the DNA sequence of butterflies, repairing a weak sequence, and sewing it back together with a stronger sequence.

I saw the overall DNA sequence as a fabric folded over and over and over again. A material that appeared like a dense window screen.

In the dna sequence repair, I cut the weak link with my Mother’s Sewing scissors. It was then a hyper focused look, that appeared like editing a sound recording, and mixing it together with the preferred experience.

I was aware that this process was about healing ancestral DNA, and the generational migration of the embodied soul path being supported in a stronger way.

Dream Note – Butterflies are significant in many cultures to be connected with Ancestors, Soul, Psyche, Migration, Transformation, and Healing.

Dream Collaboration – Repairing Ancestral DNA with the tools of the Motherline, to sew together a stronger sequence, that is done through sound editing and healing.

Rainbow Woman and Dragonfly

On a recent trip to the land of enchantment in New Mexico with my beloved, we were tracking Dragonflies and Rainbows, or they were tracking me. We popped into the Tranquil Buzz in Silver City for an excellent local spot for coffee, and found it to be a love vortex of caffeine heaven.

Love Lives Here

We dropped a love note to the world, and went for a hike on Dragonfly Trail where we are tracking the magic of ancient dragonfly petroglyphs on a 5 mile hike.

Dragonfly Petroglyph on the Dragonfly trail

Vibrant Rainbows appeared as we drove from a massive storm front and the Sun shown and the sky cleared. Like Dragonflies seeking sun and water, we were headed to the springs in Truth of Consequences.

Rainbow Woman

On our return from our trip, I began having difficulty with my left eye, seeing a shimmery rainbow streaming out of it. I went to get my eyes checked at the optomologist, and was told my eyes are both healthy, thankfully, but that I had experienced an ocular migraine. I began to think of Odin and his sacrifice of an eye to gain the gift of Wisdom and the sight of a seer. I wondered if it was an “Oracular” Migraine I had instead! We made friends with these two Ravens while in New Mexico.

Muninn (Memory) and Huginn (Thought)
Odin’s Ravens

It turns out, as synchronicity would have it, I am leading a monthly Women’s group online for Lady of Beasts on Friday, January 12th 7-9 CST in collaboration with Ix Chel (Rainbow Woman) and Dragonfly.

The story goes that the Mayan Goddess Ix Chel, whose name means Lady of Rainbows, she had died, and a flight of dragonflies came to sing over her for 183 days to return her to life. She returns to her luminous self and her rightful place as a Moon Goddess in the temple of night. She holds the mysteries of trusting and letting go into darkness, and the wholeness of becoming lunar light. She knows of birth, death and rebirth, and understands the flux and flow of the cycles of change.

The mysteries of light, the flight of dragonflies, the wisdom of the Goddess, and the rebirth of the light is a blessing as we enter the cold of Winter. We must recall that it is also a time of rebirth and awakening seeds, a quickening of what is ready to grow forth into the world, a time to dream with the moon and the stars and the rainbow goddess and sing with the dragonflies to bring ourselves back to life.

River of Dreams

“We all end in the ocean,
We all start in the streams,
We’re all carried along,
By the river of dreams.

In the middle of the night.”

River of Dreams – lyrics by Billy Joel

Billy Joel Dreamt of this song, and was unable to shake it. The River of Dreams flowed into his life and he was never the same. He set it to music, and let it flow out into the world. I’ve been dreaming of rivers lately and these lyrics capture the view, of where we all begin, and where we end up, and how the flow of the waters of life can be guided by dreams.

In my dreams, I’m standing beside a river on the banks of a lush green forest. I feel drawn to the healing beauty and flow of the river, it brings a calm to my soul. It’s happened several times lately, where I am just standing beside a beautiful river, feeling the powerful flow and depth of experience. It’s not the same river in my dreams, a different place and different river each time, but the feeling that draws me there is the flow of my soul, and a knowing these rivers are all connected to the source of flowing waters that brings deep peace, healing and connection.

San Marcus River

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. “

– Rumi

“You get your light from the moon and the stars. “

This was the wisdom shared with me by the Goddess of night called Lilith. She shows up in the guise of the High Priestess. She is black on one side, and white on the other. She explains that black and white are the phases of the moon.

She sits on her throne made of stone, and owl sits on her shoulder, and snake is on the ground beside her. She shows me her lineage of babies, that surround her. At first glance the space looks barren and empty, but on another look, she shows me her lineage is made up of dreams.

She tells me I can offer healing and protection to the children in Gaza by offering prayers to the river. They will get there that way, through the waters, and rivers of dreams. I see the importance of working with rivers when doing spiritual, healing work. I feel the presence of her Lineage of Dreams.

Oracle Dreaming with Deer

It was a wet, cloudy and grey afternoon when we set down our offerings to the wisdom of the Oracle, and laid down our fears to trust in the deeper realities of dreams. The Empress welcomed us as is befitting for an Oracle on 11/11 in New Braunfels, Texas. A place of river and stream, caves and springs. In the middle of this quaint German town, a Wurstfest celebration was going on, and an event at the nearby convention center drew bald men with middle aged beer bellies and Trucks parked next door.

Our circle of magic seeking dreamers were gathering in the backyard of The Empress, a magical shop in downtown New Braunfels, as we sipped on Dream tea, and enjoyed the chiminea fire made from applewood. We were ready to begin our workshop on Becoming a Dream Oracle.

When plans came together for the workshop I had sent an email to the owner, Elizabeth Dixon, and she sent one to me at the exact moment. I knew then it would be a special gathering and magic was afoot. The workshop was after all about receiving messages, and Synchronicity was an affirming presence.

When I arrived the day before the workshop and stayed at my lodging at the Inn of the Eye in nearby San Marcos, a family of Deer greeted me. Over dinner that night with Elizabeth, she told me a Deer Stag had been seen in the yard of The Empress. I asked if that had ever happened before, she said no this is a first. I spoke of the deer greeting me when I arrived, and knew the spirit of the Deer was showing up strong.

Cantina Ojo Perros in San Marcos

When our circle of 8 gathered to begin, we noticed purple was showing up by several there, including myself, having just dyed my hair right before Samhain. We set our intentions and opened up sacred space to connect with the Oracle. We connected with the tree of life, and the animal powers, as we entered into a conscious dream journey, guided by the drum, in order to travel into the world behind the world and connect with the Oracle with our intentions.

Becoming a Dream Oracle at the Empress

My journey connected me with the Deer Stag, who took me to meet the Oracle. She had grey hair, and a very pregnant belly, with a red spiral over it. She told me she was here to birth a new World with Ancient Wisdom. She began to speak of her connection with the land, and I could see she now had deer horns on her head. She showed me how the land and waters hold healing powers and ancient wisdom. She told me why I had come there in this place, and with these people, to open up the Dream ways and to remember. I felt deeply touched by her power and wisdom, and the message she gave me.

When we returned from the journey, I shared my visit with the Dream Oracle, and the message she sent. I spoke of the deer that had been seen in the backyard the day before, and how it showed up in my journey. I spoke of the Oracle and her message, and as I did the group began pointing behind me. I turned to see a deer was standing outside the fence, in the alley, trying to find a way into the backyard! It stood there watching us for about five minutes. A truly magical message from the Oracle.

It was a special experience to be part of when collaborating with dreams, and the animal powers, and seeing them show up in waking reality, in the middle of town, while sharing about my dream of the Oracle guided by the deer. A blessing and confirmation of the message received.

We shared dreams and journeyed again for a healing location in connection with the land as guided by deer and the wisdom of the Oracle. Many brought back transformational healing journeys.

When we originally set the sacred space, and intentions for dreaming, I said a prayer silently within, that the rain would hold off until we had finished. As we closed the sacred circle with gratitude, each called home back their own energy, and released any that no longer served, then we gathered up our things to depart and loaded up again to go home. Just then the rains came, and did not stop all night and all morning. A deeply healing and cleansing rain, where sleep was easy to find, and dreams were recalled in the morning. Blessings surrounded us and prayers answered all along the way as the Oracle guided us with the assistance of Deer.

Primordial Mothers

I had the following dream one year ago…

Bring Up Bones and Ring that Bell – October 7, 2022

I dug into the Earth and pulled up a skeleton, all grey and ancient. This skeleton belongs to me, as an ancestor. The cervical spinal cord hangs below as I feel the weight of the skull in my hand. I hold the Skeleton up to get a better look, and notice to my right, partially buried in the Earth, is a ceremonial temple bell. I step down, deeper into the ground, to become sacred midwife in this primal act of unearthing the Temple Bell.

As I hold the Skelton in one hand, I pull the bell from the Earth in the other. Holding this massive heavy Temple Bell in one hand, the strength of the Ancestors rings the bell, as I use the skull as a mallet. A frenzy takes over me as I ring that bell, a deep sound carries forth from within the Earth, and across generations.

I am banging the skull against this sacred bell, over and over, and over again. It’s sound must be heard around the Earth. I see the grey skull crack and disintegrate in my hands. I feel my strength and my will return. I feel a freedom and liberation is heard as I sound the Temple Bell, a call to the ancestors, and a call to the sacred that has been buried, but is no longer silent, no longer unseen. I feel a spiritual power and strength in myself return that is primal and cannot be turned away from this task of bringing up the bones, and ringing the bell of the ancestors.

I feel this call of the sacred deep in my bones, and it’s sound must be heard. I feel this prayer deep in my bones with my heart and soul.

Ring them bells that still can ring,

Forget your perfect offering.

There is a crack, a crack, in everything,

That’s how the light gets in.

– Leonard Cohen

The Temple Bell calls the primordial Mothers at this time on Earth, exactly one year ago this dream came. Now world events unfolding reflect the primordial grief and pain of this ancestral history buried underground. Yet today it plays out under the guise of privilege, where lives of the innocent are of no concern.

Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang writes in her research into Korean Temple Bells as a return to the sound of the primordial mothers. A call to the whale mothers and dragon mothers. The most wise and primal powers of Earth and Sky. “The Whale-dragon bell awakens moderns to what has been forgotten, the interspecific bond, originating from a pre patriarchal time, between matriarchal shaman head mothers and whales.“ (Ancient Korean Whale Dragon Bell, Hwang, Helen).

In my previous post on Wisdom Keepers of Big Dreams, reveals a dream which took me into the depths of sounds being carried across the Earth through the ocean waves and sound waves of whale songs. The dream came at the beginning of August, a few days prior to the devastating fires that incinerated Lahaina, Maui, a location where Whale Mothers Migrate and give birth to their young.

My post written of the Second Sight Dragon King, shares how the Celtic tradition considers a cowl covered birth as a sign of one who is gifted with second sight as a seer. A dragon King in the Celtic way wold be one who is given the power to rule through the Earthly powers of the Goddess.

In my dream, I kneel down before a new born cowled face dragon, and reaching down, pull the cowl from his face. I gather the baby dragon in my arms and decide to adopt him as my own, as a Mother of Dragons. A Dragon King can only come from a Mother of Dragons.

The Dragon energy is one that rises in the Spring and rests in the Autumn, it is also a time when the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon can be seen with the South Node of the Tail, a time of release which we just had in Libra carrying the energy of Justice, and the Head of the Dragon now approaching with a lunar Eclipse in Taurus, to end the Scorpio/Taurus Eclipse cycle which covered over the pandemic of the previous two years. This Taurus North Node Eclipse stoke our longing for home, and land, and belonging, now playing out in historic world events between Israel and Palestine. We can see how the shadow of the tail of the solar eclipse has brought tremendous pain and loss in the Holy Land, and the conflict and struggle for justice reflect struggles around land and home, with the North Node moving us towards Destiny. In the Holy land there are several versions of destiny, making a nest of dragons underground.

I am reminded of the story of Merlin who became seer and guide to King Arthur. In the story of his becoming Merlin, it begins when he is but a lad when called before King Vortigen, whose castle keeps falling down, and must be repeatedly rebuilt. His council of wise men tell him, he must sacrifice a fatherless child in order to overcome the crumbling foundation.

Merlin questions the wisdom of such a proclamation, and as seer is able to see underground where the problem resides. His vision reveals dragons underground causing the crumbling tower. He recommends digging up the foundation to remedy the problem.

“ When Merlin bests the wise men and instructs them to dig below the tower, they find a dragon’s nest. The child of Matriarchy reveals the “snakes” below the foundation of the new paradigm. “ (Strand, Sophie, The Flowering Wand).

These dreams of Bell, Whale, and Dragon reveal echos of global resonance and divination into the past, present and future. They require deeper digging to find the wisdom underneath, the sounds of the Primordial Mothers are no longer silent.

  • Cohen, Leonard; Anthem, 1992
  • Hwang, Helen H ; “Ancient Korean Whale Dragon Bell: An Encodement of Cetacean Soteriology” S/He: An International Journal of Goddess Studies. Vol. 2 Number 1 98-188. Spring 2022.
  • Strand, Sophie; pg. 120, The Flowering Wand, 2022.